JaeVee achieves returns of 60% to equity shareholder investors
Last updated 5th January 2023 • JaeVee Marketing • JaeVee
Despite the challenges of Covid-19, Brexit and the war in Russia, JaeVee has recently achieved a return on investment to investors, which was net of corporation tax of 60% for a new build housing estate project in Kent, UK.
The development site is situated 2 miles from Deal railway station. The development provided much-needed new build homes to the Northbourne area during a time when housing was needed.
JaeVee has managed to create 12 new 3-bedroom homes in the area with a mix of Terraced, Semi Detached and Detached with a Garage.
The area offers regular services into London taking approximately 1 hour and a half, making it an ideal commuter town. The site is also located close to the popular Deal Pier which is currently undergoing a £600,000 refurbishment to mark its 60th anniversary.
The property was acquired in April 2020 with the construction starting later that year due to the delay created by the Covid-19 lockdown.
Despite these challenges, JaeVee managed to achieve a turnaround time to the project exit within 24 months working out to an annualized yield of 30%.
Such an annualized return on capital is difficult for investors to achieve via other instruments such as bonds, stocks, peer-to-peer and traditional buy-to-let investments.
Find out more about investing in some of JaeVee's current projects.
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